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AI for Human Resource Managers and Practitioners

AI for Human Resource Managers and Practitioners



AI for Human Resource Managers and Practitioners

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Tue Aug 2024
Total lectures 25
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 01:04:13 Hours
Total enrolment 1
Number of reviews 0
Avg rating
Short description AI for Human Resource Managers and Practitioners
  • Enhanced Recruitment Process
  • Efficient candidate screening and engagement using AI
  • Personalized onboarding and learning journeys
  • Real-time performance feedback and goal tracking
  • Predictive workforce demand forecasting
  • Identification of skill gaps and training needs
  • Ethical AI Implementation
  • Mitigation of biases in HR decision-making.
  • Basic Computer Skills
  • Understanding of what AI is and its general applications.
  • Personalized onboarding and learning journeys.
  • Basic understanding of human resource management
  • Ability to think critically and analytically.
  • Awareness of ethical considerations and the importance
  • Ability to communicate ideas effectively.